
Ultravnc viewer
Ultravnc viewer

ultravnc viewer ultravnc viewer ultravnc viewer

If the workstation was left with another local user logged in, use the Windows "switch user" or "log-out"/"log-on" to access the correct local user account. (2.5) If you encounter the Windows logon-screen, proceed with logging in with the same credentials as above.Within a few seconds you should get a new window with workstations Saturn's Windows desktop. (2.3) enter username and password for your user account on workstation Saturn (provided by request from your facility manager).None of the other parameters should need adjustments and can keep their default values. (2.1) VNC Server: enter the current IP address - available by request (it is no longer Start "UltraVNC Viewer" from the icon on your Windows desktop (see download and installation instructions below). If everyone is diligent with the NUCore reservations, we should not see anyone inadvertently interfering with each others sessions, local or remote. (1) Create a reservation for service "IVAS-Saturn” in NUcore and begin your session in NUCore. For remote APT data analysis with IVAS, workstation Saturn can accessed with the (free) Windows-based remote-desktop program UltraVNC (see installation instructions further down) using the following protocol:

Ultravnc viewer